Yes, I'm still here

Posted by G1lius On 8/02/2010 03:52:00 PM 0 comments

That's my July graph.
So my goals for this year have been altered into: getting doublenova, don't play more then 4 tables, don't go busto.

I'm including some other news now, since I can't fill up anything about poker now :p

- Jungleman12 is taking up the durrrr challenge. Got 175$ on durrrr at even money. 200$ is max.
- I'm doing a 'push-up challenge' to get to 100 push-ups. I'm currently at 3. Yes, 3. Correct push-ups that is. It's extremely low, I know :(
- Lately I wonder if I have Asperger syndrome. I score 27/50 on some internet test, which says 32/50 or up is a very high chance on asperger or autism. Likely some light form of it. Not that it really matters though. Maybe a slightly better realization I have to work around some social situations so I can do stuff, instead of trying to change myself into somebody that does it automatically.
That being said, on a lot of sites about Asperger you'll see names of famous people who "they think" where Asperger. What a load of bullcrap. They basically sum up every single guy that had an impact on the world, and is long dead. For some reason I find that sad. Maybe I should mail them to add Peter Eastgate to the list :)

Anyhow, I hope I'll play some more poker this month, which is very likely.


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