Fuuuu :(

Posted by G1lius On 9/13/2010 01:27:00 PM 0 comments


So it seems this blog is like... the worst idea ever!

But my goal failed, and I don't really know what I'm going to do anyway, so I'll definitely can't tell you guys.
I'll just continue to post my progress here, where ever I may go.
I'm 1.2k down for the month now. I'm really losing confidence.
My w$SD is 52.35 on 5/10, and I'm down 3.15BB/100 over 2.3k hands.
I know variance is sick, but it's really starting to get to me.


I'm still alive

Posted by G1lius On 9/08/2010 09:20:00 AM 0 comments

Whooooooohh I'm still alivee!

August graph

Needless to say that kinda sucks.
Right now I'm at -3.6k for the year.
I do need somewhat of a volume right now because there are some bonuses to be cleared, so I'm back to playing fairly regularly, although not many tables and not for long. I really feel pretty disgusted by just the thought of playing. It's my body that warns me that I've been there before and I lost :p
At the moment I'm 5k+ down at 10/20, so that's where the majority of my losses come from. It's still a small sample, but giving my small winrate at 5/10, I might just be a breakeven player there anyway, or worse.
I played some HU, for amusement and learning. I do think it's going to help my game. I already feel much more aware of peoples ranges, mostly when they show aggression. It goes to show there's actually very little aggression at 6max in certain spots, even by regs. However, everybody is still calling down very light.
I start seeing some more opportunities against straightforward regs. I'm also starting to see some big fold opportunities, but I realize that's very dangerous. You don't need to be wrong a lot of the time to make a major error in big folds. But I do feel like I can get away from stuff more often.
I do realize the only way to get really good at this game is to spend time on it. A lot of time playing, while really thinking about my game, some time off the table too. I also realize I'm not the kind of person that can sit there for 5 hours straight playing. It really annoys me in that I know what I have to do, and I can force myself to do it, but I don't. It's easier to do such things physically. It's easier to force your body then to force your mind. At least for me.

Anyhow, enough about the psychology. I need to start playing again, and I will. I hope I got some good run to go with it.

btw, for the dutch speaking people: the site about the Belgian legislation is up. It's not the final site, since it'll be a bit more interactive, and in three languages. The content however should be about the same.
