The line between spew and lag play

Posted by G1lius On 4/25/2010 12:08:00 AM 0 comments

It is thin. Very thin.
My mind is pretty much blown by what I've seen the last 2 days. Some of the players who play up to 30/60 are so laggy, that it's hard to not call it spew.
I can find some merit into a lot of the plays, but boy, is it extremely borderline.
Maybe if I play more against them I'll see that they balance it with something, which turns out to make a profit, but for now, I call it spew.
It does cause me to quit me sessions VERY quick. It is very hard to not let yourself go into the spewflow of the table. I'm proud that I recognize that I'm too fed up with the spewyness, and doing things I maybe shouldn't do.
I guess it's the normal run of things when you move up. You always think it can't get more aggressive than that limit, but when you move up, you get blown away.
Luckily I've been running pretty hot. I'm up 3.4k this month so far. I was hoping to get more hands in today, but it kinda failed since I had to prevent tilt.


Biggest daywin up to date

Posted by G1lius On 4/20/2010 11:05:00 PM 1 comments

To celebrate my new blog I decided to win some money :)
It's been a long time since I had a 1k day, it's always nice to run good.
it's 25% 10/20, 75% 5/10

Ship it!


New Blog

Posted by G1lius On 4/19/2010 07:02:00 PM 0 comments

Since the other blog is offline, and I don't know when or if it'll come back, I'm starting this new one.

For the people who got in here by accident, let me first introduce myself.

I am Stefan Gilis, inhabitant of a small place in Belgium called Mol. Currently I am working as a postman, and playing poker in my spare time. My goal this year is to be ready to start playing professionally by next year.
This blog is to keep everybody updated on my progress. I've set myself a goal of having 50k profit this year, this by getting passed the 300 000 (300k) VPP points on pokerstars to hit the self-named 'triplenova'. The rest of the fund should come from my winrate.

The first 3 months I was behind schedule, but with some renewed energy I try to get myself back on track for the 300k vpp's. I do this by playing 5/10, and since recently 10/20 6-max limit holdem.

I will be updating this blog regularly, showing my big wins, my big losses, and some in between. I also post a lot of things that don't have a lot to do with poker directly, but do have an impact on the game, or the goals I'm setting. Things that affect my mindset, my motivation, my mental fitness, etc.

It's a very short introduction, but I assume most people who come here already know a bit of the backstory.
