Right now I have 7166 VPP's this month, which means I shouldn't be posting this according to my rules. Speaking of which, I have sinned in that department too. I've seen some youtube videos :(
Since I had the week off I kinda thought I'd be on schedule or a bit ahead, but alas. Which means I have a pretty shitty time ahead.
12k hands I have at the moment, which I think is the most I've played in a month this year. 5k hands however are from 2/4 which doesn't give that much vpp's. There is something very convenient about 2/4. You can always join a good table pretty quickly. 2/4 is mindblowingly easy, so I might play those games by default after I get supernova. I'll have to do some calculation, but given that I can play a bit more tables on 2/4 it's likely the best thing to do moneywise.
Although I'm not on schedule now, I definitely played more and longer. While also shortening my other internet activities, which is a good thing since that was eating up way too much of my time.
Most of my time I've spend this week is with friends and family, so if that's what took me off my schedule, I'm fine with that.
Although I do get a bit in the grinding spirit, I'm not going to say I look forward to this week. However, I'd like to surf around and youtube a bit without feeling guilty so I have to get back on schedule asap.
Still down a whopping 140$ this month, 355 if you count the LHE WCOOP. Why do I keep playing tourneys, I don't get it. 5h+ of play to bust out of the money against some idiot who 3bet K2s and backdoored into a flush. I must be addicted or something, because everytime I play I end up regretting it, yet I don't seem to learn.

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