
Posted by G1lius On 5/11/2010 09:31:00 PM 0 comments

Since I was so close to 100k VPP's to hit supernova, and I had a day off from work I decided I'd go for supernova today with around 96700 VPP's on the counter.

Long story short, after 4 hours and 15 minutes I called it a day, with 600 VPP's to go.
Although I didn't hit my goal, it was well worth the try because I played more then 1800 hands, which (I think) is a record for me, and I ended up with a 1833$ profit, which is also a record.
Just for brag-reasons it's kinda sad I didn't make 1$/hand :)

I'm still 7k VPP's behind schedule, but it's way better then what it used to be.
Let's I can continue to get the hands in, so I can start focusing on the winrate.

I've also came to the conclusion I'm not that good in playing more than 1h, 1h30 tops. If I ever want to get SNE playing 5/10 and 10/20 mixed, I have to play close to 5h every day. In my case that has to be 5h spread out during the whole day, because I can't play 5 hours straight without my head exploding. So that's maybe not the ideal situation. But then again, a lot of things can happen during this year.


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