Sun is shining, weather is sweet

Posted by G1lius On 5/23/2010 01:15:00 PM 0 comments

I got time. Don't have to work. Grinding time you'd say.
Well, the weathergods have been good to us for about the first time this year. It's really one of the nicest days in the year. Sun is shining, is warm, but not too hot, like in summertime.
I'm mostly doing stuff outside, or just sit and relax there.
To give you an idea how I'm typing this blogpost atm, I took a picture while pretending to be busy typing :)

Yes, that is Stella Artois in a Cristal glass, so sue me.
Just found out that tortilla chips and beer is a very fine combination.

Anyway, what I'm basically trying to say is: I'm behind schedule, and I'm not planning on doing a big effort on trying to improve it. Although I've already got 400 hands today, so who knows.

I don't think God would let me into heaven if I said I was sitting inside playing poker on this beautiful day.


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