Almost happy...

Posted by G1lius On 6/17/2010 03:46:00 PM 0 comments

I like to give song and movie quotes as a title :)

Anyway, last workday this month. Looking forward to my well deserved rest.
I hope I can play a lot, and enjoy some other things as well.

Was very close to buying a house last week. After long thinking I decided I'd wait a bit for that.
One thing that played a small roll in that was the gamblinglaws in Belgium. It's very unsure what will happen, and as a limit player I'm kinda bound to pokerstars.

I still haven't looked at my results this month, although I have looked at my yearly result, because I needed some information about that. So I know I'm not massively up or down.
It does make me realize I'm way behind schedule on my winnings. It seems like I'm not beating the games as well as I thought I would, and therefor I'm not even close to the +/- 13k I should behaving right now.
July 1st is the official halfway mark of the year, and I will be making some conclusions.
Maybe take coaching, maybe just accept 1BB/100 is too though (not a lot of people have that kinda winrate over a decent sample). We'll see. I don't like to think about it all too much, I'll do that at the end of this month.


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