I'm not really in the habit of posting hands, because nobody really cares all that much about LHE I guess.
Either way, I instantly knew I was beat, and yet again, I call down.
PokerStars Limit Hold'em, $10.00 BB (5 handed) - Poker-Stars Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.com
Preflop: Hero is UTG with K
Hero raises, MP calls, Button calls, 1 fold, BB calls
Flop: (8.4 SB) 10
BB checks, Hero bets, MP calls, Button raises, 1 fold, Hero 3-bets, MP calls, Button caps, Hero calls, MP calls
Turn: (10.2 BB) 7
Hero bets, 1 fold, Button calls
River: (12.2 BB) 2
Hero bets, Button raises, Hero calls
Total pot: $162 (16.2 BB) | Rake: $2
Button had Q
Hero mucked K
Outcome: Button won $160
So BTN is a standard regular player. No reads, which means he's not doing crazy stuff.
MP is a huge fish.
He coldcalls preflop, which is low pairs or connecting suited hands pretty much all the time.
Flop is pretty standard I think, I have the best hand often, and I might get MP to fold some gutshotlike draws.
BTN caps, which is surprising. He's in an excellent position to call, and raise the field on the turn. He could although be capping with a flushdraw for a free turn.
Therefor I chose to lead the turn. Once he just calls the turn, his range becomes very narrow. There's very little in his range that beats me. 98 that just calls because he's scared of JJ/TT is about the only hand I can think of.
The river makes the flush, and I'm hating life. His range is so many flushdraws, and I'm basically only beating JT here. Nontheless, I still bet, which is not that bad imo, because I can't really fold in such a big pot if I check, so I might just put the money in when I'm ahead too. But once I get raised, there's really nothing I beat.
If you're trying to make 1BB/100, it's these kinda spots that make or brake your winrate.
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