Lately I'm playing a lot of 3/6. Not because of bankroll issues, but just because the tables are bad on 5/10, and super on 3/6. It's been so long ago since I played there that I forgot how good it was I guess.
I'm also likely to have become a better player. Not as much for extracting good value from the fish, which I might actually be getting worse at (I've been paying off too much against donkbets in the past), but for exploiting those regulars (I'm rating them as nits, but for NL people reading this 28/23 might not really seem nitty). It's really amazing how accurate my assumptions are, and how exploitable they are.
If I self-reflect on it, I think I'm in between of the really good players and the nitty regs. I'm on the lower end of the range for good players on preflop stats (around 32/28 or something), while really good players might be 35/30, but I can't play that style because my postflop game is just too exploitable for it I think.
It's though to balance, while not losing (too much) value, and not starting to spew away chips. It's also player dependent. No reason to balance against players who don't realize you can only have one sort of hand in X spot, or players that never fold showdownable hands even if you're screaming you have it.
Things like my turnraising range are still pretty polarized. The only bluffs in that range are picked up draws. It might be enough to get people to think it's not polarized, but it's pretty hard to draw the line to where is enough.
When you play against really good players you're getting in a leveling-war, where it's very hard to decide if it's spew or not. A hand from 3/6 today:
I think this is spew from my opponent, but it might be closer than it looks. Since he has shown nothing but strength I might be able to fold some pairs here. It's very cheap to bluff for him, because he has very likely 12 outs or more. Against my range here, I think it's still spew, but I think it's a good example to show in what situations you can get yourself in against good opponents.
You can't beat those players with abc-gameplay. Even worse: they will crush you for it.
Anyway, main point of the story being: it's easier on the mind if you just see things that are without question bad, or feel like a hero for extracting the most, or losing the least amount of money. Instead of wondering what the hell you are actually doing, and if you're not just donating money away.

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