sexy biatch

Posted by G1lius On 11/14/2010 11:45:00 AM 0 comments

Pics! So it did happen!

I don't wear glasses normally, but those are gunnar glasses. Made to avoid painful eyes when sitting long hours behind a computer screen. For those wondering:
Does it work?
Yes it does, but it's not a miracle thing. You only notice how better it is, when you put them off. But you'll hardly ever have sore eyes, eyestrain, etc. again.
Is it worth it?
Just like everything else in life, it depends on what you can do with the money otherwise. If you're used to buying big branded sunglasses anyway, it's a no-brainer. If you save on a lot of things to get around, it might not be.
Doesn't the yellow tint bother you?
Not at all, I'd even say I like it. If I ever come across sunglasses with a yellow tint, I'd likely buy them (since it's not that hard to come across them, it's very likely I'll buy them in the next couple of months). Maybe just because they remind me of Bono, but whatever.
You can't use the gunnars, since it has a slight magnification on it, and everything gets a little blurry if you look outside.
Funny thing is, just a couple of days after I purchased them, Pokerstars added similar glasses to their store. It likely does the same thing, although the frame doesn't look as neat as this one does I feel. However, this could be biased by the "psychological immune system" which makes us like the things we have more then the things we don't have. (

Ow, since this is getting a bit FAQ-like I might as well continue:
Yes, it does kinda suck that I'm baldish at young age.
Yes, I've thought about shaving it all off, but I don't think it'll look good.
Yes, I actually do think I'm a bit sexy now, but that's likely since I looked terrible a few days ago and I'm comparing with that. It'll fade in a couple of days.


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