october graph

Posted by G1lius On 11/01/2010 04:54:00 PM 0 comments

At least I'm up :)

Anyway, I tried table of interest yesterday and remember the problems I had with it in January. I very often forget the preflop action. Once I make an action the table goes into the grid, but I often fail to see where, which leads to donkbets or missed cbets. So that's a no go.

Went to see a couple of friends for halloween. I don't see them as often as I'd like to for various reasons, but I really love it there. I'm really grateful to be part of their lives, but also scared that one day things won't be as they where, and it'll never be the same again. I'm not really sure exactly why I'm thinking that way, and how to  avoid it. It might be because neither one of us says how much they care, but then again, those are just words and I've seen a lot of "best friends forever" forget about each other pretty quickly.
All you can really do is enjoy the moment and hope it'll last forever I guess.


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