Harry Potter

Posted by G1lius On 11/28/2010 02:06:00 PM 0 comments

So I went to see the last movie last night.
I liked it.
One thing about it though is that it kept me from player two days. I've only watched the first movie, so I spent the last two days watching the remaining 6 movies. It's almost 2u30 for one movie, so I kinda had a harry potter overdose.
It's pretty interesting how the movies age with their public. The first one is a children's movie, but this one is actually as serious as Lord of the rings.
One thing that does annoy me are the translations of the names. The names usually are very different from the English ones.
Dumbledore has become 'perkamentus' which translates in parchmentus.
Hogwarts has become 'zweinstein' which phonetically translates in piggystone.

Anyway, I don't think I'll play much today either, because I'm really tired and my brain is fussy. Too much information in too less time I guess :)


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